Monday, November 12, 2012

Modern World System and Indian Proto-Industrialization: Bengal 1650-1800,

This book is an interesting account of an important concept proto-industrialization originated by Mendels. Before factory system took over production of manufactured items, there was rural industrialization that produced good amount of manufactured production.

See the Google book link for the book by Abhay Kumar Singh.
You can preview good number of pages

A letter by Mendels

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blog Objective

There are lots of books and chapters made freely available online by various authors and professors. The purpose of the blog is to arrange them field-wise and make more learners and faculty members aware of the existence of these online study materials.

Care will be taken to provide information of only those materials which are published by copyright owners (publishers and authors).

No links will be provided to file hosting sites and sites promoting copy right materials without having permission to do so.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Principles of Economics - Alfred Marshall - Online Book

Principles of Economics - Alfred Marshall

Principles of Economics - Alfred Marshall

Book Information


Table of Contents


Book I. Preliminary Survey.

I.I Introduction.
I.II The Substance of Economics.
I.III Economic Generalizations or Laws.
I.IV The Order and Aims of Economic Studies.

Book II. Some Fundamental Notions.

II.I Introductory.
II.II Wealth.
II.III Production. Consumption. Labour. Necessaries.
II.IV Income. Capital.

Book III. On Wants and Their Satisfaction.

III.I Introductory.
III.II Wants In Relation To Activities.
III.III Gradations Of Consumers' Demand.
III.IV The Elasticity of Wants.
III.V Choice Between Different Uses of the Same Thing. Immediate and Deferred Uses.
III.VI Value and Utility.

Book IV. The Agents of Production. Land, Labour, Capital and Organization.

IV.I Introductory.
IV.II The Fertility of Land.
IV.III The Fertility of Land, Continued. The Tendency To Diminishing Return.
IV.IV The Growth of Population.
IV.V The Health and Strength of the Population.
IV.VI Industrial Training.
IV.VII The Growth of Wealth.
IV.VIII Industrial Organization.
IV.IX Industrial Organization, Continued. Division of Labour. The Influence of Machinery.
IV.X Industrial Organization, Continued. The Concentration of Specialized Industries in Particular Localities.
IV.XI Industrial Organization, Continued. Production on a Large Scale.
IV.XII Industrial Organization, Continued. Business Management.
IV.XIII Conclusion. Correlation of the Tendencies To Increasing and To Diminishing Return.

Book V. General Relations of Demand, Supply, and Value.

V.I Introductory. On Markets.
V.II Temporary Equilibrium of Demand and Supply.
V.III Equilibrium of Normal Demand and Supply.
V.IV The Investment and Distribution of Resources.
V.V Equilibrium of Normal Demand and Supply, Continued, With Reference To Long and Short Periods.
V.VI Joint and Composite Demand. Joint and Composite Supply.
V.VII Prime and Total Cost in Relation To Joint Products. Cost of Marketing. Insurance Against Risk. Cost of Reproduction.
V.VIII Marginal Costs in Relation To Values. General Principles.
V.IX Marginal Costs in Relation To Values. General Principles, Continued.
V.X Marginal Costs in Relation To Agricultural Values.
V.XI Marginal Costs in Relation To Urban Values.
V.XII Equilibrium of Normal Demand and Supply, Continued, With Reference To the Law of Increasing Return.
V.XIII Theory of Changes of Normal Demand and Supply in Relation To the Doctrine of Maximum Satisfaction.
V.XIV The Theory of Monopolies.
V.XV Summary of the General Theory of Equilibrium of Demand and Supply.

Book VI. The Distribution of National Income.

VI.I Preliminary Survey of Distribution.
VI.II Preliminary Survey of Distribution, Continued.
VI.III Earnings of Labour.
VI.IV Earnings of Labour, Continued.
VI.V Earnings of Labour, Continued.
VI.VI Interest of Capital.
VI.VII Profits of Capital and Business Power.
VI.VIII Profits of Capital and Business Power, Continued.
VI.IX Rent of Land.
VI.X Land Tenure.
VI.XI General View of Distribution.
VI.XII General Influences of Economic Progress.
VI.XIII Progress in Relation To Standards of Life.
For online version of the book

Monday, April 30, 2012

Vocational Courses - A.P. Government Intermediate Text Books

Vocational Courses - A.P. Government Intermediate Text Books

Vocational Courses - A.P. Government Intermediate Text Books

Automobile engineering



Automobile Engineering
The books on automobile engineering at trade level were developed by this board. These are very useful even for diploma and degree level students to understand what is taught in trade training. They can use these books to develop further training materials for their recruits and department personnel.  
Auto Powerplant
Automobile Chassis and Body Engineering

Collected Knols

    Sunday, April 29, 2012

    Euclid's Geometry - Elements

    Euclid's Geometry - Elements

    Euclid's Geometry - Elements

    Author of the post

    Euclid is credited with the development of geometry. Going through the geometry of Euclid is recommended for all the mathematics students after they complete their study of mathematics texts prescribed by their boards.

    Book I




    Common Notions


    Q.E.F.  Abbreviation for Latin words "  'quod erat faciendum'  which means which was to be done.  Given at the end for constructions.

    Q.E.D. Abbreviation for Latin words "  'quod erat demonstrandum'  which means which was to be demonstrated. Given at the end for proofs.

    Collected Knols

      Sunday, April 22, 2012

      Project Management for Construction

      Project Management for Construction

      Fundamental Concepts for Owners, Engineers, Architects and Builders

      by Chris Hendrickson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA l52l3 Copyright C. Hendrickson 1998

      First Edition originally printed by Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-731266-0, 1989 with co-author Tung Au.

      Second Edition prepared for world wide web publication in 2000.

      Version 2.2 prepared Summer, 2008.
      1. The_Owners'_Perspective
      2. Organizing_For_Project_Management
      3. The_Design_And_Construction_Process
      4. Labor,_Material,_And_Equipment_Utilization
      5. Cost_Estimation
      6. Economic_Evaluation_of_Facility_Investments
      7. Financing_of_Constructed_Facilities
      8. Construction_Pricing_and_Contracting
      9. Construction_Planning
      10. Fundamental_Scheduling_Procedures
      11. Advanced_Scheduling_Techniques
      12. Cost_Control,_Monitoring,_and_Accounting
      13. Quality_Control_and_Safety_During_Construction
      14. Organization_and_Use_of_Project_Information

        Chapters 1 to 3 present an overview of the construction management and design process which should be of interest to anyone engaged in project management for construction. One need not have detailed knowledge about individual tasks or techniques for this part. Individuals can read these chapters and understand the basic philosophy and principles without further elaboration.

        Chapters 4 through 14 describe specific functions and techniques useful in the process of project management. This part presents techniques and requirements during project planning, including risk assessment, cost estimation, forecasting and economic evaluation. It is during this planning and design phase in which major cost savings may be obtained during the eventual construction and operation phases. It also addresses programming and financing issues, such as contracting and bidding for services, financing, organizing communication and insuring effective use of information. It further discusses techniques for control of time, cost and quality during the construction phase. Beginning courses in engineering economics (including cash flow analysis and discounting), use of computers, probability and statistics would be useful. Furthermore, access to a personal computer with spreadsheet or equation solving software would be helpful for readers attempting some of the problems in Chapters 4 to 14. Numerous software programs could be used for this purpose, including both spreadsheet and equation solving programs. Problems in some chapters could also be done on any number of existing software packages for information management and project scheduling. However, the use of personal computers in this fashion is not required in following the text material. Each instructor may exercise discretion in omitting some of the material in these chapters if they are redundant with other classes or too advanced for students in his or her own class.

      Original knol - 578

      Saturday, April 14, 2012

      Open Library Org Has Many Books for Free Reading

      There is a search facility and books are for free reading and restricted reading and also available for borrowing.

      Thursday, April 5, 2012

      Books - Innovation

      Books by Prof Eric Von Hippel.
      Eric Von Hippel is Professor of Technological Innovation in the MIT Sloan School of Management, and am also a Professor in MIT's Engineering Systems Division.

      The Sources of Innovation - Prof Eric Von Hippel, 1988

      Democratizing Innovation - Prof Eric Von Hipple, 2005

      Saturday, March 3, 2012

      Six Sigma for Quality and Productivity Promotion - Open Access Book

      Six sigma became very popular process improvement technique. APO is doing a good service for the society by providing a free access copy of the book on Six sigma.

      Asian Productivity Organization Book - 2003

      Sung H. Park

      Download full book from:


      Friday, February 17, 2012

      Household Engineering - Scientific Management In The Home

      Application of industrial engineering or principles of efficiency in household work described by the author.


      by Mrs. Christine Frederick


      Monday, February 13, 2012

      Flat World Knowledge - Publisher of Digital Free Edition Books

      Publisher combining print books publishing with free digital versions. Good collection in business and management. Number of books already announced for publication. Top reported professors who authored books and published under reputed publishers are writing for Flat World Knowledge.

      Draughtsman Civil - Theory - Tamilnadu Govt. Free Access Book

      Download PDF version

      General Machinist - Theory - Government of Tamilnadu - Free Access Book

      Download PDF version from

      Educational Psychology - Online Books

      Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time - Michael Solomn et al. Online Book

      Publication of Flatworld Knowledge. They are providing online free editions of all the books they are publishing.

      Authors: Michael Solomon, Lisa Duke Cornell and Amit Nizan


      Table of Contents


      Michael Solomon
      Saint Joseph's University
      Michael R. Solomon, Ph.D. is Professor of Marketing and Director of the Center for Consumer Research in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University. Previously, he served as the Human Sciences Professor of Consumer Behavior at Auburn University, and as Chairman of the Department of Marketing in the School of Business at Rutgers University.
      His textbook, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, published by Prentice Hall, is widely used in universities throughout North America, Europe, and Australasia and is now in its eighth edition. His textbook, Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, Fifth Edition, also published by Prentice Hall, is one of the most widely-adopted principles of marketing texts in the U.S.A.
      Prof. Solomon has been recognized as one of the fifteen most widely-cited scholars in the academic behavioral sciences/fashion literature, and as one of the ten most productive scholars in the field of advertising and marketing communications.
      He is a Managing Director of Mind/Share, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in consumer research and lifestyle marketing issues for such clients as DuPont, Black & Decker, eBay, PPG Industries, Visa, VF Corp., Timberland, and Calvin Klein. Dr. Solomon earned a Ph.D. in Social Psychology at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1981 and was awarded the Fulbright/FLAD Chair in Market Globalization.

      Lisa Duke Cornell
      University of Florida
      Lisa Duke Cornell is an Associate Professor in the Department of Advertising at the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications. Dr. Duke Cornell joined the advertising department after 10 years as an award-winning copywriter and creative supervisor at Long Haymes Carr/Lintas, working on major accounts like Hanes, Planters/Lifesavers, Jefferson-Pilot Insurance, Rich Foods, Wachovia Bank, and Tyson/Holly Farms.
      Duke Cornell received her Ph.D. in 1999 from The University of Georgia, where she also earned her master’s degree. The American Association of University Women named her an American Fellow for her research on the role of communications in the socialization and identity development of children and young women. Duke Cornell is also interested in the role of creativity in advertising and in helping facilitate creative solutions to marketing problems. In 2001, Duke Cornell was recognized as the College of Journalism and Communications’ Teacher of the Year.

      Amit Nizan
      Amit Nizan is part of the editorial team at Advertising Age, the leading industry publication, where she curates event content. Previously, she served as Account Manager at TBWAChiatDay and SS+K, both top advertising agencies in New York City.

      Saturday, February 11, 2012

      Business English for Success by Scott McLean - Online Free Access Version

      Publication of Flatworld Knowledge. They are providing online free editions of all the books they are publishing


      Table of Contents


      The Business Ethics Workshop by By James Brusseau - Online Book

      Publication of Flatworld Knowledge. They are providing online free editions of all the books they are publishing


      Table of Contents


      Elementary Algebra by John Redden - Online Free Access Book